Labour Loot Aquanatal® Registration Form

This Registration Form must be completed prior to commencing classes in pregnancy and again prior to commencing classes after birth.

Labour Loot Aquanatal® will keep your personal details in strict confidence in line with our privacy policy; no details will be shared with any third party.

Labour Loot Aquanatal® is committed to your and your baby’s safety and wellbeing. As with any new gym or fitness class, it’s important Clare is aware of current or past medical conditions that may affect your safe participation and who your primary carer in pregnancy is/emergency contact in case you are unwell in class.

Classes are for women/participants only so everyone can feel relaxed in the privacy and peace of our space. There are no childcare facilities on site or anywhere for someone to sit with your baby/child that would not affect the class, so please seek help from your partner/family/friends to mind your little one(s) when you are ready to leave them for a short period to attend classes.

Please remember, you also need to obtain medical clearance from your midwife, obstetrician or GP using this form prior to commencing classes in pregnancy and again prior to commencing classes after birth.

Labour Loot Aquanatal® will keep your personal details in strict confidence in line with our privacy policy and no details will be shared with any third party.